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ethnic woman with eyebrow slits

How to Achieve the Perfect Eyebrow Slit

By Abby Voelk

How to Achieve the Perfect Eyebrow Slit

By Abby Voelk

With low waisted jeans and butterfly clips flooding social media, it was only logical that eyebrow slits made their way back onto the scene. David Beckham and Vanilla Ice sported stellar eyebrow slits throughout the 90s, and so can you! In this blog, our Godefroy Eyebrow experts will show you how to tackle this trend with ease. 

The History of the Eyebrow Slit

Eyebrow slits have been around since ancient civilizations but were popularized in the 1980s and 1990s.but were popularized in 1980s and 1990s. Some slits were used as a form of identification for gang members, others were synonymous with the hip-hop community and athletes. When mainstream culture caught onto the trend, it became a way to rebel against the eyebrow norms and express uniqueness. Thin eyebrows pushed the eyebrow slit trend out of the way as we entered the 2000s.

Now, celebrities such as Zayn Malik and Jason Momoa are showing off their slit brows. Traditionally, this trend was adorned by men, but in 2023 it is not uncommon to see eyebrow slits on men and women. Through the years it has become more gender neutral.

Steps to Getting the Perfect Eyebrow Slit

woman mapping out her eyebrows

Different Styles of Eyebrow Slits

When looking at different ways to use this trend, it is important to decide on the specific style of eyebrow slit you want. The direction and angle can make a huge difference in your complexion.


2 editorial women with eyebrow slits


mens hair tools scissors and razors

Using Makeup

Does the thought of shaving your brows make you nervous? No need to worry! Tons of people sport a “slit” eyebrow without touching a razor once. To do so, you’ll need two things you probably already have in your makeup bag: concealer and a brow pencil. 

Apply the concealer to the desired area of your brow. Instead of using a beauty blender to buff it out, use a thin brush to more so pat the concealer in. Then, using your brow pencil, fill in the surrounding areas, making sure to create a contrast of the two different shades. You may have to repeat these steps a few times to lighten the brow hair, depending on the difference between your brow color and skin tone. Finish off the look with a setting powder or setting spray to keep the look in place. 

Growing Back Eyebrows After Eyebrow Slits 

closeup Godefroy beauty double lash serum


Changing your facial features can be daunting. By utilizing this guide, you can determine if an eyebrow slit is a good choice for you, and if so, some of the most popular styles. Don’t like the results? Not to worry! Hair growth serums, brow pencils, and brow gels all give you the peace of mind to keep rocking your look, regardless of your brow's growth stage. Happy styling! 

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